Saturday, January 18, 2014

Helicopter Hatred

My last few posts have been a little more serious than I typically get. I thought today would be a good day to show you what life is really like in my home.

First allow me to say this: Our house is almost always a wreck. 


I have an almost three year old baby who loves to climb on things and get into stuff. 

I have a Husband-Man who is a DJ and so equipment is moving in and out of my home all the time, which means that other things get rearranged constantly. 

I have no art on my walls because its kind of safer that way and wood floors are much easier to clean liquid off of than carpet. 

With that said...I'll beg you to not judge what you are about to see of my home too harshly. 

I've accepted the fact that my house will look like a tornado has blown through until G is at least a little older. 

Diaper boxes full of DVDs and book shelves with no books are pretty much going to be my life for the next little while...But when you see the pure fun and silliness of this video...I hope you'll understand why I just can't seem to mind the chaos wrought on my home. 

The fun we have as a family is worth so much more than a perfectly put together home. The laughs and giggles and silliness we share makes up for all of the feelings of insanity I have when I look at book-less bookshelves. I know it won't be this way long...So I'm choosing to treasure these moments. And I get to share them with you. Which is also worth it. is how some of my morning was spent. 

The item G is using as a racket is the lid to one of those Pampered Chef microwave steamer thingy's. I can't remember what they are actually called. But just today it has been his hat, my hat, a tennis racket, a microphone and a few other things I cant remember. It's never a dull moment with this cutie. 

I hope you enjoyed the video and the respite from my recent seriousness and I promise I'll work on curing myself of Vertical Video Syndrome soon.

Have a super awesome weekend, my darlings!


PS: Don't forget to find me on Facebook at here and follow me on Twitter @InANutShelley

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